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Mad Max: The Wasteland Movie Free Download HD - Tom Hardy Returns as the Legendary Road Warrior

Since the movie has not started casting yet, let alone started production, it'll likely be many more years until Mad Max rides again in "The Wasteland." But fans of the franchise should take solace in the fact that a prequel film entitled "Mad Max: Furiosa," which features "The Queen's Gambit" actress Anya Taylor-Joy taking over the title role from Charlize Theron, has a release date: that movie will skid into theaters on May 24, 2024. In fact, "The Wasteland" is so far away that it's too early to even speculate about how you'll be able to watch the movie. Will it be released exclusively in theaters? Could day and date be the new normal in Hollywood by then? Will the only way to see it be projected on the side of a cliff underneath a waterfall that releases water once per day because we'll all be living in an actual wasteland by the time the film comes out? Who knows!

Mad Max: The Wasteland movie free download hd

While fans wait for "The Wasteland" to hopefully come to fruition, there are still four classic "Mad Max" movies to watch from the comfort of home in the meantime. As for where and how to watch them, the franchise doesn't have a permanent streaming home in the way that the Marvel Cinematic Universe does on Disney+. As of this writing, for example, the original "Mad Max" is available to stream on Tubi for free. However, the other films are not available on a major streaming service at this time. The good news is, "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior," "Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome," and "Mad Max: Fury Road" are all available to rent from virtually every major digital retailer. This includes Amazon Prime Video, Apple TV, Google Play, Vudu, and others. Currently, the rental price is $3.99 for HD. So pick your preferred retailer, throw down a few bucks, and stream away. That would be the easiest option. Or, there is always physical media, such as picking up a box set of the movies on Blu-ray, for those who enjoy that route.

With the world a desert wasteland following societal collapse and warfare over resources, a survivor named Max Rockatansky, who is haunted by memories of all the people he has failed to protect, is captured and taken to warlord Immortan Joe's Citadel, where he is imprisoned and used as a "blood bag" for Nux, a sick War Boy. Meanwhile, Imperator Furiosa, one of Joe's lieutenants, is sent in the armoured "War Rig" to trade produce for petrol and ammunition with two of Joe's allies. When Joe realises his five wives are fleeing in the Rig, he leads his army in pursuit of Furiosa, calling on the aid of Gas Town and the Bullet Farm. Nux joins the pursuit with Max strapped to his car, and a battle ensues. Furiosa drives into a sand storm and loses all of her pursuers, except Nux, who attempts to sacrifice himself to blow up the Rig. Max frees himself and restrains Nux, and Furiosa destroys their car.

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It's quite a story, and it's especially amusing to hear Taylor-Joy tell it while sitting next to Bruce Springsteen, of all people. It also underscores the kind of wild creative energy we've come to expect from the set of a George Miller film. Taylor-Joy is playing the legendary wasteland warrior Furiosa, after all, a younger version of the character originated by Charlize Theron in Mad Max: Fury Road. Of course she'd be getting behind the wheel to pull that off, and of course Miller and crew would teach her to do some cool things with a car. She might never get a driver's license, but now she can at least say she drove a car during the making of a Mad Max movie.

This is a free walkthrough for the Mad Max video game. Mad Max released for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC on September 1, 2015. The game was developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (WB Games). While it takes place in the Mad Max universe created by the Mad Max: Fury Road film, this is the only similarity between the movie and the game. Max is not modeled after Tom Hardy, Furiosa is not featured and events from the film are not in the game. 2ff7e9595c

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